Pradeep Singh Pundhir
Mr. Pradeep Singh Pundhir is a renowned social activist and founder person of Spectra Organization. He is continually working to promote women empowerment in the areas of Rural Rajasthan.
Kusum Lata Chauhan
Mrs. Kusum Lata Chauhan - She is a Working as an advocate- with an urge to be helpful to anyone seeking help.
Govind Singh Yadav
Mr. Govind Singh- He is a young development professional with a dream to help the Society.
Rajni Singh Rajwat
Mrs. Rajni Singh Rajwat is a renowned social activist and working as a health professional in Government Health Department.
Ramesh Meena
Mr. Ramesh Meena- He is professional and social activist working with a dream to give rural children the best education.
Mahesh Chauhan
Mr. Mahesh Chauhan - He is a renowned social who worked in this area for rural people.